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 Kobato Banrai

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Cpt. Synyster Kenshou
Division 2 Captain/Covert Ops Leader/Admin
Division 2 Captain/Covert Ops Leader/Admin
Cpt. Synyster Kenshou

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Character Sheet: IM AWESOME
Kobato Banrai Left_bar_bleue9223372036854775807/9223372036854775807Kobato Banrai Empty_bar_bleue  (9223372036854775807/9223372036854775807)

Kobato Banrai Empty
PostSubject: Kobato Banrai   Kobato Banrai EmptyMon Jan 11, 2010 8:12 pm

Name: Kobato Banrai
Rank: Vizard
Age: 200, but appears to be 20
Gender: Male
He is very arrogant. He believes that only the strong deserve power and that the weak are nothing more than mere ants to step on. He preys on the weak not killing them because he hates to kill, but if necessary he will do so. If their is a way around it he will choose that path.

He loves to spar and train, but can sometimes be lazy. It isn't all the time, but it does happen. He loves getting stronger, but doing it his own way not by special objects or enhancements. He also hates to be bossed around, but if they are of higher rank he will respect that and listen unless it's a stupid request. He s very hard headed, but when it comes down to it you can really count on him.
He stands at a height of about 5'11 and a weight of about 180-200. He has black hair and red eyes. He wears the attire that makes him look like a skater when he's in his Gigai form. He wears three bracelets around his right arm. One is red and two are black. They are rubbery and very flexible meaning he can use them for a lot of things.

He is right handed, but sometimes shifts his Zanpakuto from his right hand to his left to test his opponents' skill. He isn't ambidextrous, but sometimes seems like it when he fights. It's still easy to tell though because his left hand is weaker than his right hand and also slower. He is lean with an average muscular build. He has a red dragon tattoo on his right bicep and a black one on his left. His red tattoo has black eyes and the black one has red eyes.

He has sleek black hair which is very short. His hair doesn't even past his ears. It kinda sticks up, so it's safe to say that he has more of a bed head hair style. He smiles a lot and has more of a fluid posture. As in, he's not that stiff. Striking his opponents with quick fluid motions.

He keeps his zanpakuto at his side resting on his right hip. So because he is right handed, it is easier to react to oncoming attacks.
Hollow Mask:
His hollow mask resembles a Wolf in its structure, but is different in many ways. It has one big horn protruding from its forehead. Kobato's eyes turn a brilliant shade of gold when he puts it on. The mask is white with a thick black streak going down the middle of the mask. It doesn't have a snout, but it does have the short pointy ears and the fangs.

When Kobato puts this mask on, his voice becomes slightly deeper and a little slurred.
Hollow Powers:
He gains the ability to fire cero from his fingers.

"Burn away my conflict!"

Power: He gains the ability to manipulate and control fire freely. Picture a flame thrower and how fire will just spray out if you use it. That is how his technique works except that he can choose how far to extend it, but the farther he extends it the more reiatsu he uses up. He uses his hands to fire it out, no Zanpakuto necessary.

Limitations: This technique uses up 10% of his reiatsu which limits its uses. This technique can be used for 5 posts. If he uses two hands his attack becomes stronger, but doesn't change the fact that it is weak to water, as is all fire. His attack can also be nullified by other fire attacks because well fire can't beat fire.

Melee: He can add his fire elements attacks to increase his melee damage and also burn his foe. The fire doesn't cover his whole arm though, it only covers his feet and fists which mean he has to be careful with his attacks and not be reckless or else he might get countered.

Limitations: His attacks with this technique doesn't take up a whole bunch of reiatsu and it only lasts as long as he uses it. (He can use it whenever he wants, but if he doesn't have any reiatsu he can't uses it. It doesn't drain reiatsu while he isn't using it though.) This technique doesn't amplify his strength, all it does is add fire to his melee attacks.
Inner Hollow:
His inner hollow is an exact mirror of himself. Except that it has a hole right near its throat. His eyes are a slight shade darker than Kobato's, but other than that they are the same. They act the same and look the same. his name is Taison.

He is very stubborn and when he puts his mind to something it takes a lot to sway from it. He has a very deep voice and likes to criticize the way Kobato fights, but has stopped doing it seeing that Kobato will not stop and listen to him.
Zampakuto's name:
Kobato's Zanpakuto's name is Banriou.
Zampakuto Spirit:
His Zanpakuto's spirit is a beautiful female with silver eyes and a very slim body. She's about 2 inches shorter than Kobato and Taison. She is very pale and stronger than she looks. Her name is Sakura. She weighs about 130 pounds, but that's mostly her height. She wears the sort of Gothic attire with black nails and black clothes (shirts, pants, etc.). She has one lip piercing on her lip and she wears black eye liner.

She disagrees with the way Kobato and Taison act hence the evermore growing influence she has over Kobato. Taison on the other hand is hard headed. She believes in love and compassion and that everyone should be treated with the same respect as others.

She hates cocky people because she thinks that it is foolish to be cocky and wastes time from your current objective because cocky people seem to drag things on. She hates when people talk and talk and talk, but don't even know what they're talking about. Thickheaded people basically. She doesn't like to beat around the bush, she just wants to cut to the chase and get it over with.

Her inner world is a volcano with a steep ledge and sharp rocky edges. It's full of smoke and fire (it's a volcano duh), but has never erupted. Their are parts of the volcano where there isn't any fire though. Spots to relax in like caves, but there are only about 2 or 3.
Un-released Zampakuto's Appearance:
His Zanpakuto in its un-released form is its regular steely kind of color with a black Chinese dragon emblazoned along the flat part of it which symbolizes the fire based attacks he uses. The hilt of his Zanpakuto is blue.

Shikai Release phrase::
"Scorch to cinders Banriou!"
Shikai Appearance::
When his Shikai is activated, his Zanpakuto burns white hot and blue flames slowly lick at the tip of the blade. These blue flames are very hot, but can be put out. It would take a lot of water though. But when they are put out it takes 3 posts to get them back.
Shikai Abilities::
"Burn in flames, let no one escape!"

Power: When he twirls his Zanpakuto in a circle, he will slowly make a ring of fire around him and his opponent. Kobato stands in the middle of the ring and his opponent on the other side of him. This ring is 10ft in diameter and can be expanded.

Suicide: He will close the ring on himself and his opponent to burn them from head to toe. This fire is very hot, so it usually hurt its victims very much. If you are someone of a higher tier it'll hurt you less and also if you have a high tolerance for heat.

Offensive: He will make the ring then try and jump out of it. Then he closes it on his opponent to burn them. The ring can be expanded to fit more people, but it will drain more of his reiatsu. Since the ring slowly forms it gives Kobato a 2 post chance at escaping as it does any other person.

Limitations: This attack drains 20% of reiatsu because it is a very strong attack. He usually uses it once in a battle in order to finish off his opponents. Expanding the ring by a meter on all sides drains 10% more reiatsu. This ring takes 2 posts to fully form and when it's formed it's possible to escape, but is very difficult. When the attack is finished the flames die out rather quickly, but the dust in the air clears in 1 post.

He can also shoot flames from his blade. Like fire balls. They're about the size of baseballs, and tend not to be very strong. The stronger he makes them the more reiatsu it drains. The more reiatsu he uses will make them stronger and larger.

Limitations: This attack drains about 5% of his reiatsu, but he can also make them stronger, depending on how strong he makes them more reiatsu will be drained.

He can only shoot 3 at a time and they travel about 5 meters. They tend to be fast because of their size, but the more power put into it the slower the fire balls will be.

Bankai Description:
Bankai Abilities:
Skill Level: Kidou: Beginner
Skill Level: Swordsmanship: Advanced
Skill Level: Shunpou: Advanced
Skill Level: Hand-to-hand: Intermediate
Kobato was born to a Vizard family. His parents had become Vizards because of the twisted experiments people people had done to his parents and when they mated he inherited this power also. He was taught to hate the True Vizards because he and his parents had been discriminated against by the self proclaimed "True" Vizards. Since he was taught this, he doesn't know any better hence the influence Sakura is trying to have over him. He is getting better with his behavior which surprised others because he is usually cold hearted and merciless.

When his parents died, he was so overcome with grief that his head started to hurt with unimaginable pain. He awoke in his Inner Hollow's spirit world (Zanpakuto's inner world) and after a long heated battle he finally overcame his inner hollow, gaining control over its powers.

He then moved to Seireitei, so he wouldn't be haunted by his mother and father's faces. He never showed anyone his mask, so as not to cause trouble. He only practiced with it alone, so no one would know his secret. Only three people knew of his secret and only 3 people died by his hands.
RP Sample:
It was a dark stormy night. Two men stood at the center of a somewhat desolated area.

"I know what you are Kobato", a man in a cloak said. He had a very deep voice and dressed in an all black cloak so as to conceal his face. "So if you want it to remain a secret I'd advise you to pay up", the man said as he held out his hand.

In a quick fluid motion, Kobato hacked off the guys arm. "Ahhh!", the man screamed and two other men in cloaks popped out of nowhere. They both had their swords drawn and both dressed in cloaks. Then the first guy who was probably the leader withdrew his sword.

Kobato said,"Three on one is very uneven". With a smile he yelled out,"Scorch to cinders Banriou!" and then flames started to lick at the tip of the blade as the sword itself glowed white hot. The two subordinates rushed at Kobato. Kobato merely smirked and flash stepped behind them. Then he sliced the from the shoulder down. Looked at the other guy and sent three fire balls at his back.

As the other two fell Kobato said,"You should have hired better henchmen". The guy with one arm then shunpoed behind Kobato. Sensing his reiatsu Kobato threw his sword up in the air and then kicked the guy in the face.

He then shunpoed above him, grabbed his sword and sent three fire balls at him. The man tried to block it and crumpled under the weight of the blast. "He didn't know who he was messin' with", Kobato said....

Kobato walked away because it seemed as if the enemy had been defeated. Suddenly Kobato felt a stabbing pain in his back only to see the man with one arm and his sword through Kobato's stomach. "Ha you thought i was dead didn't you?", he said. "As if some weak attack could finish me!" the man said laughing. Kobato slowly pulled the sword out and kicked the man away.

Kobato was going to kill him now. Kobato held his sword flat out in front of him. While twirling it in a circular motion said,"Burn in flames, let no one escape". A ring of fire started to form around Kobato and the cloaked man. In the middle stood Kobato and the man to his left side. Kobato then flash stepped away from the ring. When the ring completely formed the cloaked man said,"What is this?!" "Let me out!"

Kobato merely smirked and then closed it on the man. The man's screams were drowned out by Kobato's laughter. "You should've stayed down", Kobato said. The man fell to his knees blackened and burnt. "Ughh", the man said as he fell to the ground. kobato was the last thing he was ever going to see.

Kobato then walked back home panting and holding his injured stomach. When he finally made it in the house he had barely closed the door when he fell to the ground and passed out.
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Neoroku KoKo
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Neoroku KoKo

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Kobato Banrai Left_bar_bleue9999999999999/99999999999Kobato Banrai Empty_bar_bleue  (9999999999999/99999999999)

Kobato Banrai Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kobato Banrai   Kobato Banrai EmptyMon Jan 11, 2010 8:15 pm

Bravo ^^ Even though it wasnt needed i applaud.. Approved
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ichi tekunosaundo

ichi tekunosaundo

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Kobato Banrai Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kobato Banrai   Kobato Banrai EmptyMon Jan 11, 2010 8:17 pm


I think I just died
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Cpt. Synyster Kenshou
Division 2 Captain/Covert Ops Leader/Admin
Division 2 Captain/Covert Ops Leader/Admin
Cpt. Synyster Kenshou

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Kobato Banrai Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kobato Banrai   Kobato Banrai EmptyMon Jan 11, 2010 8:25 pm

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ichi tekunosaundo

ichi tekunosaundo

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Kobato Banrai Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kobato Banrai   Kobato Banrai EmptyMon Jan 11, 2010 8:28 pm

Not sweet that post all most killed me its almost like the.....what ever it is thing again i dont know xP
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Cpt. Synyster Kenshou
Division 2 Captain/Covert Ops Leader/Admin
Division 2 Captain/Covert Ops Leader/Admin
Cpt. Synyster Kenshou

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Kobato Banrai Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kobato Banrai   Kobato Banrai EmptyMon Jan 11, 2010 8:38 pm

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ichi tekunosaundo

ichi tekunosaundo

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Kobato Banrai Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kobato Banrai   Kobato Banrai EmptyMon Jan 11, 2010 8:47 pm thats how its going to be......laugh at me all you want I dont care.....ok I do...but thats be side's the point
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Cpt. Synyster Kenshou
Division 2 Captain/Covert Ops Leader/Admin
Division 2 Captain/Covert Ops Leader/Admin
Cpt. Synyster Kenshou

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Kobato Banrai Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kobato Banrai   Kobato Banrai EmptyMon Jan 11, 2010 8:51 pm

hehe ok i'll stop now XD
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ichi tekunosaundo

ichi tekunosaundo

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Kobato Banrai Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kobato Banrai   Kobato Banrai EmptyMon Jan 11, 2010 8:54 pm

Of course you get the last laugh xP lol
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Cpt. Synyster Kenshou
Division 2 Captain/Covert Ops Leader/Admin
Division 2 Captain/Covert Ops Leader/Admin
Cpt. Synyster Kenshou

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Kobato Banrai Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kobato Banrai   Kobato Banrai EmptyMon Jan 11, 2010 9:06 pm

hehehe i know
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ichi tekunosaundo

ichi tekunosaundo

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Kobato Banrai Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kobato Banrai   Kobato Banrai EmptyMon Jan 11, 2010 9:24 pm

wow Smile
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Cpt. Synyster Kenshou
Division 2 Captain/Covert Ops Leader/Admin
Division 2 Captain/Covert Ops Leader/Admin
Cpt. Synyster Kenshou

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Kobato Banrai Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kobato Banrai   Kobato Banrai EmptyMon Jan 11, 2010 9:28 pm

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Kobato Banrai Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kobato Banrai   Kobato Banrai Empty

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