(just one more. When the last one activates nothing else happens, but the conditions become impossible for anybody.)
Ęgirdor stood as the smoke cleared. The woman was gone. he searched outward for her spiritual pressure, and knew she was still there, but she was smart enough to hide the location. If you want to stop, we can both leave and call it as an undecided match. He closed his eyes for a moment, and began an incantation. Daughter in the north, she who watches in cold silence. Bring forth the fury of winter, the almighty wind. Conjure from the reaches up high, and bring your Judgment down. Cast aside the unworthy and redeem the righteous. I summon you, Goreijou. Hado #78- Howling Night!
All was quiet for a moment, but then a fierce wind came out from the north. It blew very hard, almost taking the captain off his feet. It grew cold and the sky became very dark. The rain that fell from the flood, became freezing, catching onto everything and making a crust of ice. Ice formed over the kraken's skin. The beast didn't mind from his fat, and skin, and Ęgirdor was used to the cold, his sword making an icicle on the end of the broadsword. But the water below became freezing, anything falling in there would be frozen within 5 minutes. If the woman was in there she would freeze, and if she was moving through the air in a constant shunpo, she would be blown off course.
The great beast, the kraken roared, and spread it's tentacles out in a challenge, breaking the ice as it formed. He was ready for battle, and the opponent looked like a weak coward to it. it wanted to rip apart the fragile creature for running away.